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woensdag 24 november 2021

The beginning of the end

Listen to Mark, he is right.

Are we - at last - getting close to a tipping point in humanity’s fortunes? It’s no longer naively hopeful to wish so, as the signs that the point of no return has been reached are everywhere - most notably in the huge number now taking to the streets. This is no time for complacency as we have to remember that we are, quite literally, at war. But if the momentum that is now being built up is kept going - and aided along its way through harnessing the powers of Manifestation - the evildoers will end up soiling their Y-fronts as they desperately lash out in their final death throes

Source: Youtube

dinsdag 23 februari 2021

Robert Norse ND about Cancer

I came across this video from Robert Norse on YouTube and this is the culmination of an experiences man who is laying out the simplicity of the state of the chemical processes in the body: the Acid on one side and the alkaline on the other. There is no such thing as the disease, but only disbalance of these (electro) chemical processes in the body. But, of course, it is better he explains it himself. See the 7 part video.

"The health of the body's cells, tissues, organs and glands can only be as healthy as the fluids that they are bathed in." ~ Robert Morse, N.D., D.Sc., I.D., M.H. 

The best way to submit your question to Dr. Morse is as follows: Have a question for YouTube? Click the link below and select "Ask a YouTube question " for your subject. 
To view Robert Morse's YouTube channel please click here:​... To search all of the videos he has done to date please visit:​ 
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To learn more about "The Simplicity of Cancer" please view:​ 

Robert Morse's Disclaimer: The information given by Robert Morse in these videos is strictly for educational purposes only. It does not involve the diagnosing, treatment or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of diseases. Recommendations made in these recordings are not considered consultations or recommended individual protocols. Individual consultations and protocols through Dr. Morse are given by appointment only via contact through his clinic.

woensdag 17 februari 2021

Russia free from banking cartel


Picture from the Guardian
Putin Announces Total Independence from ‘Rothschild-Controlled’ US Dollar

In a statement about the news, Mr. Putin said his country is finally free from the “icy grip” of the Rothschild banking cartel and New World Order cabal.

Two years previous, President Putin prohibited Jacob Rothschild and his New World Order banking cabal from operating in Russian territory “under any circumstances.”

Now, following his current election success, Putin has vowed to continue “unburdening” Russia’s economy from the dangerous monopoly of the US dollar in order to guarantee Russian sovereignty in an increasingly globalized world.

Addressing the Russian Parliament following his inauguration, Vladimir Putin said that stating “total independence” from the worldwide banking cartel and Rothschild global money providing organizations would be the “biggest gift” he could provide to future generations.

“We used to behave naïvely, but now we see that the WTO [the World Trade Organization] rules are all too often broken, the restrictions are imposed for political reasons, which they call sanctions. Plus more and more of them are imposed to secure its favorite competitive advantages,” Putin said.

He stated that the brand-new “constraints,” breaking the world trade principles, make the world see that monopoly of the United States dollar threatens for many areas.Putin says he’s freed Russia from dependence on the US Dollar.

dinsdag 2 februari 2021

Why you are lost at sea

What is up with the total disbalance in the world. It seems there is no justice for the righteous. Well, technically there is no justice system anywhere. Everything is incorporated, also you, the listener. Christopher James explains in below podcast why there is such injustice in the courtroom.

Listen to "GVP #176 - Christopher James - Practical Common Law Solutions" on Spreaker.

Also, you can investigate the following term: CEST Q V Act
In below this term is explained in short:

If you want to know hw to take your sovereignty back, please check the video below:

Interesting patents released

I ran into this post from SantaSurfing ( and to my surprise, I saw these patents coming up in her video:

CANCER US20040248858A1


I don't have time to investigate al this right now, but just want to share to everyone.

zondag 27 december 2020

The greatest history ever is being made today

Update 25-1-2021: Here's an interview with someone, telling a similar story: (copy and paste into your browser)

Update: Video taken down from YouTube, follow this link to see a mirrored video: (copy and paste into your browser)

It is a Perfect, Uplifting Christmas Gift for Mankind as it takes Charlie Freak's Story of the Takedown of the Cabal, in Great Detail, and ties it in to all aspects of Donald J. Trump's Presidency...explaining WHY he has done WHAT he has done... And as usual, BonFire Guy's Production Value is get ready this Christ-Mass EVE to Celebrate the Takedown of the Cabal with perhaps the Best Film made about it to date! And remember, by casting our Nets to the Right, God Wins, We Win, and All of CREATION Wins...

So, SHARE this version of my Video Far and Wide in the hopes that Millions more will finally awaken to this extremely important Truth that the Cabal have been taken down, and that what we are watching is a well-orchestrated MOVIE, in real time, so that the many can wake up to the hell that they have been living within, and finally come to know the Truth. 

So, sit back, relax, and let God's Holistic Truth wash over both your Body and Mind, and let it cleanse away all the dirt and grime from your Soul...enter into the realm of the ONE where ONLY the Holistic Truth exists...God Bless ALL Life, in the hopes that it may indeed journey to discover the Father and the Mother and create the Holiest of Holies, the Holy Trinity of the Father, Mother and Child!!! 

Please visit Bonfire Guy's Youtube Channel, 

And if possible, please remember my Friends to support Colleen and I here in Mexico as we continue daily to expand and grow, through the Vibration of Love, our Animal Rescue Shelter. We have now reached 45 rescued animals (Dogs, Cats, Possums, Birds) and our costs of maintaining this beautiful journey has grown far beyond what Colleen and I can maintain on our own. Only through your kindness and generosity will we be able to continue our vital efforts to give LIFE to all of these precious creations of God! You can donate to us either through PayPal or Buymeacoffee by following the links provided below! Thank you! 

Charlie's YouTube channel FreakSense TV: 
Charlie's Facebook page: 
A FreakSense World Group Page on MeWe: 
Charlie Freak on Parler: CharlieFreak777 Charlie's MeWe Page 
To Support Charlie and Colleen's work and all of their Animals: CharlieFreak777 & The Shire Animal Rescue Sanc: 
The Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary 
PayPal page:

Source: YouTube