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dinsdag 11 februari 2014

Central Banks have Trapped us in a Life of Debt

In the movie The Matrix, Morpheus offers Neo a choice: take the blue pill and remain in ignorance of the illusion, the fabricated reality of the Matrix, or take the red pill and embrace the sometimes painful truth of reality, which would allow him to escape from the Matrix and experience the real world. More and more people are “taking the red pill”, discovering the truth about the global monetary system. And many are no longer content to simply remain ignorant and enslaved by a matrix created by a global financial system designed to keep 99% of the world’s people from true personal and financial freedom.

The truth is out. People around the globe are waking up to the reality of the “real world” – in which “money” is no longer backed by gold reserves, making it essentially worthless. Instead, private central banks, as well as individual financial institutions, use the fractional reserve system to create “money” from thin air, based on “promises to pay”.

vrijdag 7 februari 2014

David Wilcock interviews Graham Hancock

Must see interview! Two great minds in one room, David Wilcock interviews Graham Hancock.

This is a really good interview for those who know him or those who want to know more. He starts with the mysterious Ark of the Covenant then moves on to his discoveries while researching ancient advanced civilizations and sunken ruins around the world. Learn more about the controversy surrounding the underwater buildings off Cuba and what the mainstream archeologists make to his work. Learn how altered states of consciousness and shamanism come into play with his more recent works. Most of all educate yourself!

Source: Seventh element
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